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Paperless-ngx is a place where scanned documents like bills and statements can be stored to reduce the amount of paper in use. It can automatically tag a new document when it arrives and provides OCR on the document to allow it to be searched easily.

It is available here.


Running on nomad, the job file is located at paperless.hcl.

Backup Strategy⚓︎

Paperless is backed up once a week to /volume1/backups/paperless on Dionysus. The way Paperless-ng handles exporting documents allows incremental backups, this is how it is implemented here. It runs once a week.

This script execs into the paperless webserver and runs the document_exporter command. This exports all the info to ../export which is mounted on the file system. The $file variable contains the size of the export. The data is then copied into the mounted folder and a notification to Discord is sent.


# $file - location of the mounted export dir in the paperless container - see
# here:

docker exec $(docker ps -aqf "name=^paperless-webserver-*") bash document_exporter ../export

file=$(du -sh /data/paperless/export/ | cut -f1 | xargs | sed 's/$//')

if test "$file"; then
  exit 0
  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"content": "`Paperless` backup has just **FAILED**\nFile size: `'"$file"'`\nDate: `'"$(TZ=Europe/Dublin date)"'`"}'$webhook_url